
Showing posts from December, 2010

Definately Not An Elephant

It has been said that an elephant never forgets. This past week I have more than proven that I do not belong to the pachyderm family. I have had an incredible week of mishaps all related to a faulty memory with nothing tangible to blame it on. I do not suffer from Alzheimer's Disease nor do I have "pregnancy brain". I haven't sustained any recent head injuries nor do I have Post Tramatic Stress Disorder. I just forgot. It all started Sunday morning. I followed my normal Sunday routine while Hubby is working. I got the kids ready for church, fed them breakfast, got myself ready....the usual. When I got about 10 kilometers up the highway I realized I had forgotten my cell phone at home. I rarely forget my cell and Sunday was a particularly bad day to forget since I was driving home (over an hour away) from church alone after the evening service. But I shrugged it off. I was already late and couldn't turn around to get it. I headed straight for the retireme...
Today left me wondering if I am fit for motherhood at all. It started out as a fairly common day. The usual chores, schoolwork, and childhood bickering were taking place. When I served lunch and sat down to enjoy it with my little ones I noticed Buddy #2's ear looked strange. The canal looked slight darker and more cavernous than usual. Upon closer inspection I realized the hole wasn't wider but rather plugged with a grey mush which turned out to be the kids' recently acquired modeling clay. My little boy had found a foolish yet inventive way of blocking out 'girl noise'. He explained the he was trying to play his game but the "the sisters" kept "annoying" him with their "loudness." Being a firm believer that one should never stick anything larger than an elbow inside of their ear, I cringed at the thought of getting the goop out. My mind kept going back to 1982 when my sister and I got our first Operation game for Christmas. As a six-...
Last week the world was against me..or so I was convinced. We are a very blessed family concerning health. Being that we homeschool and have never had to make use of daycare, the children have had minimal exposure to severe viruses. This is what I choose to believe and I will thank you not to burst my bubble. I have also managed to maintain relative good health even though I work in the personal support field....up until last week. A rather nasty little critter decided to take up residence in my tummy and damage my track record. Unfortunately, my family doesn't see the need for life to slow down (let alone stop) when Mama gets sick. My uncaring, selfish little monsters actually insisted on eating..EATING (!) while I was suffering from nausea. The audacity!  Of course I started feeling ill right around grocery day so the pilgrimage had to be made, but not before an essential birthday party had to be attended. Hubby was at work so I was flying solo yet again. Ol' Man...