
Showing posts from August, 2011

Funniest(?) Home Videos

I love my sons, I do. Most of the time they are a source of great joy to me. When Hubby and I first discussed the possibility of our future children we determined we wanted 2 boys for reasons I don't remember now (so they obviously weren't very important). When our first child was born and we discovered we had a daughter, she was all we wanted. When our second daughter was born my dad said, (with some amount of pride) "I had two girls." When our third daughter was born we were happy, and done. I have learned that one should never tell God what it is he or she will or will not be doing....such as having more children. I had decided I was done. The Lord disagreed. One month after Hubby's vasectomy consultation I discovered I was pregnant. One month after I discovered I was pregnant I came to terms with the fact that I was pregnant. One week after I came to terms with the fact that I was pregnant I became happy that I was pregnant. One month after I became happy tha...