
Showing posts from April, 2013

An Answer for Everything

My youngest son is a jewel. He is sweet, considerate, and gentle. He is also very soft spoken which makes him completely unlike the rest of the family. When I need a quiet cuddle to calm my nerves after a hectic day he's my go-to guy. One thing that has consistently separated his personality from his twin's is his thoughtfulness. Buddy #1 tends to rush headlong into whatever suits his fancy whereas #2 (although two whole minutes #1's junior) seems to be the wiser brother. When Buddy #1 was hurling himself down the basement steps in a toy barrel reminiscent of Bobby Leach taking the plunge over Niagara Falls, Buddy #2 stood watching at the top of the steps then promptly tattled. Buddy #2 is content to always let Buddy #1 test the waters before he even dips in a toe. Like this spring when Buddy #1 thought it would be fun to walk on the ice in the neighbour's pool. Buddy #2 apparently watched for a minute or two to see if his buddy would sink. When he didn't, #2 though...

Cleaning Conundrum

As my children's teacher I called a sick day today. A sick day as in, "I am sick and tired of the mess in this house!" At Winter's end I always get a bit frantic about cleaning. As the sun begins to remember the North and the snow slinks away from its rays, its absence reveals the junk my yard kept hidden from me all season. I'm not sure why my driveway fancies juice boxes and broken plastic but it always has a nice stash come spring. Inside is even worse. Almost six months of cold, snow, and shut windows seems to make even inanimate objects scream to be set free. I like a clean, I love a clean house, just ask my family. I was challenged about 4 years or 5 years ago to give my kids a quiz about what they think of me and write down their answers honestly. it had simple questions like, "What's your mom's favourite thing to do?" and "What does your mom do when she's bored?" Out of about thirty questions, more than half we...