Definately Not An Elephant

It has been said that an elephant never forgets. This past week I have more than proven that I do not belong to the pachyderm family. I have had an incredible week of mishaps all related to a faulty memory with nothing tangible to blame it on. I do not suffer from Alzheimer's Disease nor do I have "pregnancy brain". I haven't sustained any recent head injuries nor do I have Post Tramatic Stress Disorder. I just forgot.

It all started Sunday morning. I followed my normal Sunday routine while Hubby is working. I got the kids ready for church, fed them breakfast, got myself ready....the usual. When I got about 10 kilometers up the highway I realized I had forgotten my cell phone at home. I rarely forget my cell and Sunday was a particularly bad day to forget since I was driving home (over an hour away) from church alone after the evening service. But I shrugged it off. I was already late and couldn't turn around to get it. I headed straight for the retirement home where we were to perform our Christmas Cantata for the " 'ol folks". I was actually amazed that the Buddies were rather well behaved during the entire program! When it came time to leave I piled 3 of the kids in to my van while the other 2 got a ride with friends. I might mention at this point that I drive a 16 passenger van that is actually classified as a bus. Great capacity...not so great maneuvering. I had wisely backed it into a space so I didn't have to back out, parking a little close, but harmlessly so, to the car beside me. Once every one was buckled I pulled out. The parking lot had not been plowed and was covered in slush 6 inches deep which would normally make a person a little extra cautious...normally. As I turned the van did a fancy little sideways slide and I heard an unfamiliar noise. The rear panel of my van had "kissed" the rear panel of the car beside me. Had I remembered  to check my blind spot I may have been able to avoid the little "accident".

Tearfully, I began to write a note to the car's owner apologizing profusely for the damage I'd caused. I felt absolutely horrid. As I was trying to remember my phone number to include it in the note, I was approached by a gentleman who informed me of the lady's name who is the owner of the car. He was rather curt and business-like but it was not his demeanor that bothered my sensibilities. It was his wife/girlfriend/significant other (you never know these days) that was standing poised in front of my (parked) van, cell phone in hand with a If-You-Try-To-Run-I-Am-So-Calling-The-Cops look on her face. I really don't know where she expected me.... dressed in a straight calf length skirt and high heels, standing in 6 inches of slush, writing a note on a car hood parked 20 feet away from my "bus", on the opposite side of the closed drivers side door, and behind her (foot and a half taller,100 pound heavier than me) husband... to run exactly.  I guess she was being "helpful". We exchanged information and I left not looking forward to the conversation that I was about to have with my husband.

When I did get ahold of Hubby the lady's son had already left him a message. I described what had happened and he asked the reasonable questions. "What is the damage?" and "What kind of car was it?" To which I could only reply, "I forgot to look." The next day Lady's Son emailed pictures of a broken tail light and a scratched rear panel and a bill to the tune of $2000 ($1300 of which was labour). Praise God for insurance!

Monday was better. I remembered to go to my staff evaluation. I remembered my paperwork. It was my boss who forgot. That made me smile. I finished my shopping with the exception of a few small things that I forgot. Tuesday I had nothing to remember. Wednesday brought a family Christmas celebration to which my mother asked me to bring two things, a pot of chili and a pair of socks. I forgot the socks. We had a fabulous time sledding, eating, and opening presents. When it was time to go home I packed back up 6 pairs of snow pants, 7 pairs of mitts, 6 hats, 7 freshly unwrapped Christmas presents, toboggans, stuffed animals, my purse, 5 children, and some "donated" juice boxes. I forgot my glasses.

I couldn't wait to fall into bed Wednesday night after the 2 hour drive home. I was looking forward to sleeping in Thursday morning since I had to work until 10 pm that night. I slept soundly. A bit after seven, I bolted out of bed. I thought I had heard my cell phone ring but by the time I got to the bottom of the stairs I realized there was only silence. Assuming I dreamed the ringing phone, I crawled back under the covers. Later that afternoon when I arrived at work, my co-workers had no idea why I was there.  I made a few phone calls and found out the ringing was no dream. I had been scheduled to work from 7 am-12 pm at one location this Thursday and 2 pm-10 pm at another location next Thursday. I forgot. Once again I was reduced to tears. Tears of frustration, of regret, and of exhaustion.

It's hard not being an elephant.


Susan said…
It seems to me Traci that your more like a warrior stallion than an elephant. I love reading about your antics and mishaps. Makes me feel more human knowing that about what you go through. Also you have a wonderful talent for story telling.. Merry Christmas..
Once we arrived at an awesome family convention at a swanky hotel right around Christmas time. We had looked forward to this fabulous weekend for a whole year.... only to find out we were a week late.

Ended up going to the San Diego zoo... instead. . . But it was kind of flat after our big disappointment.

We've never been the same since that forgetting experience.

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