Why Public School Teachers Have a Harder Job Than I Do.

As I go about my daily life, I do not always readily reveal to others that I am a homeschooler. I tend to wait for a time to test the waters before I let strangers or new acquaintances in on that little tidbit of personal information. When I think the time is favorable (or am outright confronted with a direct question) I am met with one of two schools of thought:

1. I am a supermom with inhuman patience.
2. I am a bitter woman with a severe hatred for public school teachers.

Neither one is true.

I openly and freely admit that patience is not one of my inherent virtues. My husband and children will attest to that fact more emphatically than I feel necessary. While I have had some issues with one public school in particular, I try not to paint them all with the same graffiti. Teachers, however, (especially in the public sector) receive my utmost respect.

After having a conversation with a very dear-to-me public school teacher about the issues facing teachers today, I realized just how good I have it!

I am free to teach my students the curriculum I feel best suits our family's values and standards. I can add to it, take away from it, or change it completely without permission or approval from an outside governing source.

The only person I need to impress is myself. While I do sometimes get caught up in seeking others acceptance and approval, they have no influence in whether or not I "keep my job". I do not have to worry about my students ripping my character up over the supper table unless they want to do it to my face.

I do not have to try to help dozens of children all understand the same concept simultaneously before we can move on. I don't have to deal with "concerned" parents over less than stellar grades earned by less than motivated students that I am then blamed for. I do not have to take orders from politicians who have never taught a single class but think they know better how to teach mine than I do. I do not have to teach things I don't believe in or not teach things I do believe in because I might offend someone.

I don't have to feel the burden of teaching others' children about nutrition, exercise, or hygiene simply because it's not being taught where it is supposed to be, in the home. I don't have to deal with the parents or guardians who get upset that I have usurped their authority in teaching their children about nutrition, exercise, or hygiene because it's their job, not mine. I don't have to deal with parents or guardians who feel that I'm not teaching their children enough about nutrition, exercise, or hygiene because they feel it's my job, not theirs.

I am free to congratulate my students' accomplishments with a hug and not be accused of inappropriate relationships. I can discipline poor behaviour and not be accused of abuse. I can kiss the principal. ;)

I don't need to worry about leaving work issues at work and not bringing them home because work is home and home is work. I have a maximum of 5 papers or tests to grade at any given time. I don't need to fret over whether or not a student has had a decent breakfast or a good home to go back to.

My Zero Tolerance policy makes exceptions for disgruntled siblings accusing each other of appearing to wield plastic spoons as makeshift weapons. I am not required to volunteer...isn't that a little oxymoronic anyway? I don't get "sick days" per se, but if I am sick and have to take a day off here or there, I don't have to count them to make sure I'm not going to get in trouble. I don't have to defend my salary to ignorant individuals because I don't get paid...wait a minute....never mind that last one.

I do not intend to give the impression that homeschooling is a breeze or that public school teachers have no reason to love what they do! I am simply tipping my hat to those who educate children who do not belong to them and the superhuman patience needed to do it.

I realize I have only scratched the surface but I AM a homeschooling supermom, I only have so much time......


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